
Science North provides a range of professional, licensed exhibit photos for your marketing purposes. Exhibitors may also take their own photos. Please share your photos with Science North to add to the exhibitor website.



This video promoting Beyond Human Limits at your venue can be customized with your logo and dates on the end card. Exhibitors may also shoot their own video.

The following artwork is provided to assist you in creating your Beyond Human Limits campaign. For direction on representing the developers and producers of the exhibition and sponsor logos see Recognition Guidelines. You may use the Photos & Artwork as is or if you choose to develop your own campaign but wish to include certain elements please contact us for access to layered files.



Digital Ads
Social media posts




All promotional materials used to market the exhibition must be submitted to Science North for approval at least 30 days before its use. If approval within a shorter timeframe is required, Science North will do its best to accommodate such requests. Please contact the Beyond Human Limits primary contact person for approval.

All publicity, communications and promotional materials relating to the exhibition must also credit funders and any other exhibition tour sponsor/supporter as specified in this guide. At present, there are no tour sponsors/supporters. As described in Article 11 of Beyond Human Limits Traveling Exhibit Lease Agreement, should Science North secure Tour Sponsors, additional or alternate credit line(s) will be provided by Science North.

Beyond Human Limits exhibitors must send to Science North, no later than 45 days following the date of closing of the exhibition, an attendance and publicity report. This summary report shall include attendance figures, press clippings and reviews, installation photos and other pertinent information related to the display of the exhibition. Please submit the summary report to the contact person for the Beyond Human Limits exhibition.

As per Beyond Human Limits Traveling Exhibit Lease Agreement, should there be an opening event for this exhibition, the Exhibitor must invite representatives of Science North, Ontario Science Centre and its Sponsors and include a representative in the opening remarks.

Please refer to your Beyond Human Limits Traveling Exhibit Lease Agreement for full details and to ensure you are meeting your contractual obligations in all areas.


Science North provides a range of professional, licensed exhibit photos for your marketing purposes. Exhibitors may also take their own photos. Please share your photos with Science North to add to the exhibitor website.


This video promoting Beyond Human Limits at your venue can be customized with your logo and dates on the end card. Exhibitors may also shoot their own video.



The following artwork is provided to assist you in creating your Beyond Human Limits campaign. For direction on representing the developers and producers of the exhibition and sponsor logos see Recognition Guidelines. You may use the Photos & Artwork as is or if you choose to develop your own campaign but wish to include certain elements please contact us for access to layered files.


Digital Ads
Social media posts


All promotional materials used to market the exhibition must be submitted to Science North for approval at least 30 days before its use. If approval within a shorter timeframe is required, Science North will do its best to accommodate such requests. Please contact the Beyond Human Limits primary contact person for approval.

All publicity, communications and promotional materials relating to the exhibition must also credit funders and any other exhibition tour sponsor/supporter as specified in this guide. At present, there are no tour sponsors/supporters. As described in Article 11 of Beyond Human Limits Traveling Exhibit Lease Agreement, should Science North secure Tour Sponsors, additional or alternate credit line(s) will be provided by Science North.

Beyond Human Limits exhibitors must send to Science North, no later than 45 days following the date of closing of the exhibition, an attendance and publicity report. This summary report shall include attendance figures, press clippings and reviews, installation photos and other pertinent information related to the display of the exhibition. Please submit the summary report to the contact person for the Beyond Human Limits exhibition.

As per Beyond Human Limits Traveling Exhibit Lease Agreement, should there be an opening event for this exhibition, the Exhibitor must invite representatives of Science North, Ontario Science Centre and its Sponsors and include a representative in the opening remarks.

Please refer to your Beyond Human Limits Traveling Exhibit Lease Agreement for full details and to ensure you are meeting your contractual obligations in all areas.

Science North is pleased to present the highly interactive and entertaining traveling exhibition Beyond Human Limits, developed and produced by Science North, in partnership with the Ontario Science Centre. The materials and suggestions offered in this Marketing Guide are intended to assist you in developing your own marketing and promotional strategies. Our goal is to make this process as efficient as possible for you. After all, what works for some may not work for everyone! And no one knows your markets and opportunities better than you.

IMPORTANT: This online Marketing Guide will continually be updated to include the marketing materials created by each host organization for your reference. Please remember to click your "Refresh" button to ensure that you are accessing the most recent content.

We encourage you to:
◦ Use the messages and images supplied or create your own within the guidelines provided
◦ Share your marketing and promotional strategies and materials with Science North for inclusion on this Marketing Guide website so others can benefit from your experiences.

Please remember:
All marketing elements must be approved by Science North before use. Science North is committed to providing approvals or requesting adjustments as quickly as possible.

To request approval for artwork, please forward all requests to The artwork will be distributed to the appropriate people at Science North.

Be sure to review and adhere to the guidelines and mandatory requirements outlined in this guide and in your Beyond Human Limits lease agreement.

If we can be of any assistance, please don't hesitate to contact us.

About the Marketing Guide

Target Audiences

◦ Parents of kids ages 3 - 17

◦ Children ages 3 - 13

◦ Grandparents of kids ages 3 - 17

◦ Teenagers 14 -18

◦ Educators

◦ Sport enthusiasts

Marketing Themes

The slogan – Get up, Keep Going, Push Further. This is a concept built on the powerful appeal of perseverance. We believe the most fascinating aspect of this exhibit is the sheer will-power it takes to not only attempt, but continue to improve in these activities. This is the reason why we marked the number of attempts within the marketing materials. This was to imply to the audience that it took several efforts before they were successful. By showing an athlete fail you immediately generate more initial interest from viewers. This is because most ads depicting athletes show them being successful. This contrasting approach allows this campaign to truly stand out.

Exhibit Description

Create a description of entire exhibit experience

1) GET UP, TRY AGAIN, PUSH FURTHER! Welcome to the thrilling world of extreme sports. Visitors are challenged to jump, fly, dive, and climb in this spectacular exhibit. 25

2) GET UP, TRY AGAIN, PUSH FURTHER! Welcome to the thrilling world of extreme sports. Beyond Human Limits challenges visitors to jump, fly, dive, and climb while exploring some of the riskiest activities in the world. Be immersed in the challenges that these passionate athletes face and leave inspired to push your own personal limits! 50

3) GET UP, TRY AGAIN, PUSH FURTHER! Welcome to the thrilling world of extreme sports. Visitors are challenged visitors to jump, fly, dive, and climb while exploring some of the riskiest activities in the world.

Beyond Human Limits immerses visitors in a variety of exciting sports in their natural environments. They can virtually race the backcountry slopes, balance along a highline, trace in the footsteps of a parkour athlete, or discover what it’s like to pilot a wingsuit.

Beyond Human Limits emphasizes that for extreme athletes facing risks is secondary to the personal fulfillment they find by pursuing their passions. Visitors will leave inspired to push themselves to their own personal limits! 100

4) GET UP, TRY AGAIN, PUSH FURTHER! Welcome to the thrilling world of extreme sports. Visitors are challenged to jump, fly, dive, and climb while exploring some of the riskiest activities in the world.

Beyond Human Limits immerses visitors in a variety of engaging and exciting sports in their natural environments. They can virtually race the backcountry slopes, balance along a highline, trace in the footsteps of a parkour athlete, or discover what it’s like to pilot a wingsuit. Younger visitors can test their climbing skills, experiment with downhill curves, or imagine themselves suspended on a mountainside snuggled into a portaledge. Visitors of all ages will delight in capturing themselves in an upside-down halfpipe photo and relish the mental challenge of remaining calm and focused under intense pressure.

Throughout the exhibition, passionate athletes explain their individual motivations, training, and resilience. Visitors can evaluate their own desire for thrill and adventure then compare their sensation-seeking score to the featured athletes. Beyond Human Limits emphasizes that for extreme athletes facing risks is secondary to the personal fulfillment they find by pursuing their passions. Visitors will leave inspired to push themselves to their own personal limits. 200

Sample Media Release

News Release

[City, State/Province] – Beyond Human Limits, is an action-packed ride through the world of extreme sports. This highly interactive exhibition, developed and produced by Science North in partnership with the Ontario Science Centre, brings visitors inside the minds and bodies of extreme athletes and explores the psychology of their motivations and the science of extreme sports, including wingsuit flying, ice and rock climbing, parkour, free diving and many more.

Beyond Human Limits showcases the science, creativity, and innovation in extreme sports. Be prepared to engage with friends and families in a multitude of physical, multimedia and creative challenges. Hear from athletes that participate in these extreme activities and how they have persevered through failures and challenges in their sports. Learn about the researchers who study extreme athletes, those who rescue them when things go wrong and the innovators who create new and novel equipment, and dispel myths and misconceptions surrounding extreme sports. From exhilarating speeds, breathtaking heights and profound depths to uncontrolled variables such as weather or terrain – passionate stories about how athletes prepare and train extensively to carefully evaluate risks, endure intense physical and mental challenges and maintain a calm focus will be explored.

“Beyond Human Limits is an extremely engaging and interactive exhibit, designed for people of all ages. It is a high energy look at extreme sports requiring high technical skill and intense mental focus through the lens of the athletes and researchers, along with [SCIENCE CENTRE] signature hands-on and interactive exhibits with great and relevant science that visitors of all ages will enjoy.” – [NAME][TITLE]

Beyond Human Limits is open at [SCIENCE CENTRE] through to [DATE].

For more information, visit [URL]

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For more information, please contact:


Editorial Ideas

1) The Effects of Risk Taking on Children
What does every decision have in common? Risks. Taking risks can provide important learning skills through the process of trial and error.

Risks can reinforce confidence and proper decision-making tools, while also providing tools for self-reflection, improving on personal strengths, safety awareness, and social skills.

Risk is, of course, risky and understanding from an early age how to identify risk and its potential to harm you is one of the keys to success. Will Gadd describes in his Ted Talk the three tools he uses to help manage risk. They are; Hazard Recognition, Anticipating and Expecting Change, and Understanding your Level of Competence. Teaching kids these tools can benefit in all aspects of their lives. “Lean into the fear, work through it, and do something really cool!”

2) Push Further: What drives an athlete to push beyond human limits?

Most people will never know what it feels like to scale the side of a mountain or jump out of a plane. What makes extreme athletes so different and drives them to challenge themselves and pursue the unknown?

Dr. Kenneth Carter describes how a “sensation seeking” personality is a major factor in what drives people to push their limits. There is a big difference between a high sensation seeking individual and someone that might be reckless. Someone that might be reckless is going to be doing dangerous things for the sake of the risk and for the sake of the danger. High sensation seeking individuals are doing these experiences for the experience. They’re going after what’s interesting, and the risk is the thing they have to do to get that experience.


◦ Local Media (Radio, tv, print)
◦ Local Social Media Influencers
◦ Extreme Sports Athlete (regional)
◦ Athletic associations
◦ Sports clubs
◦ Schools

Business Partnerships
General “Adventure and Sport” Companies
Using companies that support and encourage high energy sports, Beyond Human Limits can make a direct link to the products and companies that make extreme sports possible. Participants can find out just how much athletes rely on equipment, the preference of equipment, the various features of equipment, and what the process of ensuring top quality means.

Promotional Ideas

Media Events, Member Appreciation Events, and Tourism Partnerships.
Media Events

1. Opening Day Buzz
Invite the media and influential members of the community to experience the exhibit prior to opening day. This will allow them to go out and create a buzz. The media event will allow the team to showcase the key features and theme of Beyond Human Limits to your local influencers.

2. Extreme Athlete Showcase
Utilize familiar extreme athletes to deliver a speech on what it takes to become an extreme athlete, how extreme sports came to be an important factor in their life, and their personal story. This helps create a direct linkage between an athlete and the specified extreme sport itself. Humanizing the athletes while celebrating their great achievements will generate excellent “word of mouth” marketing.

3. “The Amazing Race” (Summer / Spring)
Leveraging local companies that market to athletes (the more specific to extreme sports the better) will gain direct engagement for this exhibit. Schedule a toned down version of “The Amazing Race”. This “race” could involve having participants compete and go through toned down versions of the extreme sports that are showcased in Beyond Human Limits. On top of serving as an advertising opportunity for Beyond Human Limits, this “race” can also provide facts and information about BHL and the extreme sports featured, which ultimately can influence those not participating in the “games” themselves.

Member Appreciation Events
Below are member appreciation events that allows members and key influencers to experience the exhibit, learn what BHL has to offer, and increase involvement with VIP personnel within the community. The goal of this section is to increase involvement and promotion to your most valuable clientele.

1. Family Day
Experience the exhibit distraction free. Invite key members and their family members to the exhibit after hours to bring a “family” sense, as well as give the opportunity to give the hard working key members from Beyond Human Limits a chance to experience the exhibit, and what extreme sports has to offer.

2. Athlete Meet and Greet.
Organize a meet and greet between extreme athletes and important VIP / key members. This helps bring involvement directly to the Beyond Human Limits exhibit and creates a direct link to the exhibit, the extreme sport, and the athlete themselves.

3. Gala
Have a Member Gala that has attendees hear speeches, and relevant information on Beyond Human Limits, various extreme sports and athletes. This gala involves inviting key members and VIP clientele to a dinner that promotes the various exhibits, and mental and physical aspects of extreme sports. The gala can include extreme athlete speakers and influential members of the community.

Dr. Kenneth (Ken) Carter
PhD, ABPP - Professor of Psychology at Oxford College, Emory University

Dr. Ken Carter is Charles Howard Candler Professor of Psychology at Oxford College of Emory University, where he teaches introductory courses in psychology as well as advanced courses in clinical psychopharmacology, research methods, and personality. The psychology of thrill-seeking is the current focus of Dr. Carter’s research. He has delivered a TedX talk on sensation-seeking and is currently under contract for a book on the subject from Cambridge University Press.


Faith Dickey
Slackliner and highliner

Through the outdoor sports world has been historically male-dominated, some women are avidly striving to inspire other women to pursue their dreams despite the imbalance in participants. Faith was the first female to level the playing field in the sport of highlining, and she quickly proved that being a woman is not a disadvantage. Within 6 months of highlining she had crushed the previous female world records in the sport of slackline and has since continued to break her own records to set new ones. She is the first women to reach the 100-meter length in highlining. She currently holds several world records for women in the sport of slackline, is the only female regularly free soloing, and continues to push her limits full time.


Will Gadd
Ice climber, kayaker, paraglider

He grew up in a family that hiked, climbed, and went into the mountains whenever they could. Some of his earliest memories are of long backpacking trips, wind-blown summits, and surviving winter skip trips. The first sport he really got into was caving. When he was 14 he started kayaking. At 16 he bought his first climbing rope, and did his first new rock route. At 25 he first flew a paraglider. At 41 his daughter came into the world. She’s already doing all the stuff he did as a kid, and she’s an athlete too.


Jeb Corliss
BASE jumper & wingsuit pilot

For as long as he can remember, Jeb Corliss has dreamed of flying. One of his earliest memories came when he was 6 and sitting in the back of his aunt’s car watching birds jump from telephone poles, opening their wings and soaring. “When I get older, I’m going to do that,” he said. His aunt explained that when he got older he would realize that humans can’t fly. “Maybe you can’t,” he replied, “but I’m going to.” Corliss’s stunts and his unyielding approach to life never fail to fascinate.

Contact (via agent, Matt Meyerson):
RPRT Communications Inc.

Ashleigh Baird

Her passion for being in and under the water came from early childhood adventures – exploring Florida’s beaches, islands, and fresh water springs with her family. Before she knew it, this passion quickly turned her into a freediving grom – holding her breath on long drives, experimenting with different mental techniques, and finding creative ways to get in and under the water whenever she could.

In 2011, after taking a series of freediving courses, she decided to take her passion a step further and she participated in her very first freediving competition. Since then she’s gone on to compete in many national and international events, including the 2014 and 2016 Team World Championships as a member of the US Women’s Freediving Team.


Mark McMorris

Raised on the flatlands of Saskatchewan, Canada, Mark McMorris has become one of the most decorated and successful athletes in competitive snowboarding history. In 2011, he became the first person to land a backside triple cork 1440, a trick so difficult it was once thought impossible. In 2012, at the age of 18, he became one of few people to win double gold at the same Winter X Games event, with a victory in both slopestyle and big air (where he also landed the first triple in X Games history). He’s gone onto claim 14 X Games medals and counting, and a bronze medal at the debut of snowboard slopestyle at the 2014 Olympic Games in Sochi, Russia. He’s earned medals at the Dew Tour, the U.S. Open, Air & Style, and more in both slopestyle and big air.

Contact (via agent, Adam Burwell):

Aaron "WHEELZ" Fotheringham
WCMX athlete

After posting that “first ever backflip” on the Internet, life has changed for Aaron; he has had the opportunity to travel within the US, as well as internationally, performing and speaking in front of many. He has attended summer camps for disabled children as a coach/mentor.

Aaron enjoys showing young kids with disabilities that a wheelchair can be a toy, not a restriction. He loves helping younger children learn how to handle their chairs in new and different ways and teaching them a trick or two.

Aaron has a passion for what he does, not only is it a lot of fun, but he wants to change the world’s perception of people in wheelchairs, as well as helping everyone see his/her own challenges in a new way.


Katherine Beattie
WCMX athlete

In April 2015 she became the first woman and the first person with cerebral palsy to land a backflip on a wheelchair. She placed 8th overall at the 2015 WCMX World Championships in Grand Prairie, TX, and is currently one of the top ranked female WCMX riders internationally. She loves traveling to parks around Southern California mentoring young riders, and hopes to get more girls involved in WCMX and action sports in general.




1. Host a themed opening VIP media event with specialty refreshments, hors-d'oeuvres, live entertainment, a preview of the exhibition and special screenings of a film that complements the exhibition theme. Partner with local athletes or businesses to help support the event.

2. Host a member appreciation day with special offers, incentives or activities so that your members can be among the first to experience the new Beyond Human Limits exhibition. Invite your employees and special guests to also have a preview of the exhibit. Invite local media partners to do an onsite live remote and provide them with giveaways to drive added awareness.

3. Host a Speaker Series – Throughout the duration of the exhibition, immerse your audiences in the fascinating world of extreme sports with a “Speaker Series.” Consider athletes, mountain rescuers, researchers, etc. to discuss their personal stories of participating in these sports or how their research has helped explain why some of us are more attracted to these activities than others. Bring in a speaker in conjunction with your media launch of the exhibition to generate additional visibility for your opening, and be sure to have this person do the interview circuit. View a list of potential speakers

4. Host a “Science Café”, with a group of panelists engaging in an informal discussion with the general public, preferably at a venue other than your facility. For example “Extreme Sports: Risk or Reward?”

Beyond Human Limits is developed and produced by Science North in partnership with the Ontario Science Centre.

1. Guidelines
The Beyond Human Limits exhibitors are responsible for all publicity, promotion, and advertising relating to the display of the Exhibition at their venue.
The Beyond Human Limits exhibitors must use the Beyond Human Limits logo provided by Science North. A copy of the Beyond Human Limits logo can be found under Photos & Artwork.

The Beyond Human Limits exhibition clients must identify and credit Science North as the developers and producers of the exhibition in partnership with the Ontario Science Centre in all publicity, communications and promotional materials relating to the exhibition, wherever practical, using the following credit line: Beyond Human Limits is developed and produced by Science North, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada in partnership with the Ontario Science Centre and the Science North and Ontario Science Centre logos provided. A copy of the Science North and Ontario Science Centre logos can be acquired from Photos & Artwork.

All promotional materials used to market the exhibition must be submitted to Science North for approval at least 30 days before its use. If approval within a shorter time frame is required, Science North will do its best to accommodate such requests. Please contact the Beyond Human Limitsprimary contact person for approval.

All publicity, communications and promotional materials relating to the exhibition must also credit funders and any other exhibition tour sponsor/supporter as specified in this guide. At present, there are no tour sponsors/supporters. As described in Article 11 of Beyond Human Limits Traveling Exhibit Lease Agreement, should Science North secure Tour Sponsors, additional or alternate credit line(s) will be provided by Science North.

Beyond Human Limits, exhibitors must send to Science North, no later than 45 days following the date of closing of the exhibition, an attendance and publicity report. This summary report shall include attendance figures, press clippings and reviews, installation photos and other pertinent information related to the display of the exhibition. Please submit the summary report to the contact person for the Beyond Human Limits exhibition.

As per Beyond Human Limits Traveling Exhibit Lease Agreement, should there be an opening event for this exhibition, the Exhibitor must invite representatives of Science North, Ontario Science Centre and its Sponsors and include a representative in the opening remarks.

Please refer to your Beyond Human Limits Traveling Exhibit Lease Agreement for full details and to ensure you are meeting your contractual obligations in all areas.

Other Sponsors
As a Beyond Human Limits Exhibitor, you may solicit other sponsors, subject to Science North's approval, not to be unreasonably withheld. Please refer to your Beyond Human Limits Traveling Exhibit Lease Agreement for full details and to ensure you are meeting your contractual obligations in all areas.

Recognition Guidelines

◦ Utilize Instastories
◦ Hashtagging (use app tag o’ matic to locate proper tags)
◦ Live video (increases reach and improves your Instagram rating)
◦ Motivate user-generated content. (The upside-down bike/skateboard photo-op is a great opportunity)
◦ Instagram uses different algorithms to promote their “instastories” as well as using their live feed.

◦ Motivate user-generated content. (Through the provided Photo Op)
◦ Facebook stories to showcase different exhibits and zones.
◦ After posting videos, pin the best performing one to the top of the page for the duration of the exhibit.
◦ Do not bother with hashtags
◦ Utilize live video. Will increase reach and create a sense of urgency for followers.

◦ Utilize filters and create a filter for BHL
◦ Story posts to showcase different exhibits
◦ Motivate user-generated content. (The upside-down bike/skateboard photo-op is a great opportunity)

Social Media

Dr. Kenneth (Ken) Carter
PhD, ABPP - Professor of Psychology at Oxford College, Emory University

Dr. Ken Carter is Charles Howard Candler Professor of Psychology at Oxford College of Emory University, where he teaches introductory courses in psychology as well as advanced courses in clinical psychopharmacology, research methods, and personality. The psychology of thrill-seeking is the current focus of Dr. Carter’s research. He has delivered a TedX talk on sensation-seeking and is currently under contract for a book on the subject from Cambridge University Press.


Faith Dickey
Slackliner and highliner

Through the outdoor sports world has been historically male-dominated, some women are avidly striving to inspire other women to pursue their dreams despite the imbalance in participants. Faith was the first female to level the playing field in the sport of highlining, and she quickly proved that being a woman is not a disadvantage. Within 6 months of highlining she had crushed the previous female world records in the sport of slackline and has since continued to break her own records to set new ones. She is the first women to reach the 100-meter length in highlining. She currently holds several world records for women in the sport of slackline, is the only female regularly free soloing, and continues to push her limits full time.


Will Gadd
Ice climber, kayaker, paraglider

He grew up in a family that hiked, climbed, and went into the mountains whenever they could. Some of his earliest memories are of long backpacking trips, wind-blown summits, and surviving winter skip trips. The first sport he really got into was caving. When he was 14 he started kayaking. At 16 he bought his first climbing rope, and did his first new rock route. At 25 he first flew a paraglider. At 41 his daughter came into the world. She’s already doing all the stuff he did as a kid, and she’s an athlete too.


Jeb Corliss
BASE jumper & wingsuit pilot

For as long as he can remember, Jeb Corliss has dreamed of flying. One of his earliest memories came when he was 6 and sitting in the back of his aunt’s car watching birds jump from telephone poles, opening their wings and soaring. “When I get older, I’m going to do that,” he said. His aunt explained that when he got older he would realize that humans can’t fly. “Maybe you can’t,” he replied, “but I’m going to.” Corliss’s stunts and his unyielding approach to life never fail to fascinate.

Contact (via agent, Matt Meyerson):
RPRT Communications Inc.

Ashleigh Baird

Her passion for being in and under the water came from early childhood adventures – exploring Florida’s beaches, islands, and fresh water springs with her family. Before she knew it, this passion quickly turned her into a freediving grom – holding her breath on long drives, experimenting with different mental techniques, and finding creative ways to get in and under the water whenever she could.

In 2011, after taking a series of freediving courses, she decided to take her passion a step further and she participated in her very first freediving competition. Since then she’s gone on to compete in many national and international events, including the 2014 and 2016 Team World Championships as a member of the US Women’s Freediving Team.


Mark McMorris

Raised on the flatlands of Saskatchewan, Canada, Mark McMorris has become one of the most decorated and successful athletes in competitive snowboarding history. In 2011, he became the first person to land a backside triple cork 1440, a trick so difficult it was once thought impossible. In 2012, at the age of 18, he became one of few people to win double gold at the same Winter X Games event, with a victory in both slopestyle and big air (where he also landed the first triple in X Games history). He’s gone onto claim 14 X Games medals and counting, and a bronze medal at the debut of snowboard slopestyle at the 2014 Olympic Games in Sochi, Russia. He’s earned medals at the Dew Tour, the U.S. Open, Air & Style, and more in both slopestyle and big air.

Contact (via agent, Adam Burwell):

Aaron "WHEELZ" Fotheringham
WCMX athlete

After posting that “first ever backflip” on the Internet, life has changed for Aaron; he has had the opportunity to travel within the US, as well as internationally, performing and speaking in front of many. He has attended summer camps for disabled children as a coach/mentor.

Aaron enjoys showing young kids with disabilities that a wheelchair can be a toy, not a restriction. He loves helping younger children learn how to handle their chairs in new and different ways and teaching them a trick or two.

Aaron has a passion for what he does, not only is it a lot of fun, but he wants to change the world’s perception of people in wheelchairs, as well as helping everyone see his/her own challenges in a new way.


Katherine Beattie
WCMX athlete

In April 2015 she became the first woman and the first person with cerebral palsy to land a backflip on a wheelchair. She placed 8th overall at the 2015 WCMX World Championships in Grand Prairie, TX, and is currently one of the top ranked female WCMX riders internationally. She loves traveling to parks around Southern California mentoring young riders, and hopes to get more girls involved in WCMX and action sports in general.

